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AI, the future and You


The movie "AI" is a mind-blowing examination on human relationships when intertwined with high-level AI. The story goes like this; in the 22nd century, rising sea levels from global warming have wiped out coastal cities, reducing the world's population. Mecha humanoid robots capable of complex thought but lacking in emotions, have been created.

In Madison, New Jersey, David, a prototype Mecha (AI) child capable of experiencing love, is given to Henry Swinton and his wife Monica, whose son Martin contracted a rare disease and has been placed in suspended animation. David learns quickly and develops a strong attachment to his family. David, it would turn out, served a vital purpose to his hman family, but it gets much deeper from there.

Its no longer just on the horizon, AI is here. How will AI transform workplaces and should we worry about the fact that people may be replaced by machines? What about the future when it comes to the workforce? What about the potential for replacing people with machines (which is not a new trend)? This is a bit of a concern for many people. For visionaries, AI is about moving people to higher skilled and higher paying jobs while leaving the more dangerous and monotonous roles for AI.

In the image above,AI facilitates the creation of a next-generation workplace that thrives on seamless collaboration between enterprise system and individuals. Does this mean people will become useless? Some AI advocates say that human resources are not going to become obsolete, but rather, their efforts are bolstered by emerging tech. In fact, they say AI provides organizations with the luxury of freeing up resources for higher-level tasks.

The following are the primary advantages of AI:

  • AI drives down the time taken to perform a task. It enables multi-tasking and eases the workload for existing resources

  • AI enables the execution of complex tasks without significant cost outlays

  • AI operates 24x7 without interruption or breaks and has no downtime

  • AI augments the capabilities of differently abled individuals

  • AI has mass market potential, it can be deployed across industries

  • AI facilitates decision-making by making the process faster and smarter

Simply put, AI allows organizations to make better decisions, improving core business processes by increasing both the speed and accuracy of strategic decision-making processes. But with innovation comes risks. What Are the Risks of Artificial Intelligence?

  1. Lack of AI Implementation Traceability

  2. Introducing Program Bias into Decision Making

  3. Data Sourcing and Violation of Personal Privacy

  4. Black Box Algorithms and Lack of Transparency

  5. Unclear Legal Responsibility

  6. Diversity in AI careers or the lack thereof

  7. Hacking and digital attacks

In the next segment, we will explore the first of five risks to artificial intelligence; Lack of AI Implementation Traceability. In the meanitme, drop us a line on social media and share your feedback.


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